IN-CREATE Final Conference


We had an incredible time at the IN-CREATE final event in Brussels!

The event was the perfect opportunity to mix the international experience with the local one.

Our partners from the Czech Republic, Spain, Greece and Belgium presented the results and intellectual outputs of the last two years. They shared their experiences with creativity labs in each country, addressing the challenge of inclusion and how art can be a way to achieve it.

Liudmila Gasina from Youth Included, Czech Republic presented the project in general, focusing on the implementation of the creativity labs and the beneficiaries’ response to the project.


Rosa Sanchez from Forum Educativo, Spain presented the role of arts and creative expression in the process of social inclusion. She focused in particular on the work of Forum Educativo in Spain and highlighted all the challenges that associations and TCNs face in this process.


Pinelopi Kroustali from Readlab, Greece made a video introducing the platform and explaining in detail the registration process, the training materials and the use of the platform itself. The video is available and can be found on the IN-CREATE website.


Graciella Ehouly from Diesis, Belgium talked about the first intellectual output and how partners work together to write the national and transnational reports. She focused in particular on the good practices in Belgium.


We also had a special focus on the importance of involving local communities, with a particular focus on the situation in rural areas, analysing how creative and cultural industries are an asset. For example, we were privileged to have Davide Gnes, a PhD researcher, discuss migrant integration through locally designed experiences, and Bistra Ivanova, co-founder of the Multi Kulti Collective, present three fascinating case studies from Bulgaria on migrant integration through art.


We were also honoured to have two local associations, Le Monde des Possibles and Golden Rose, who are directly working for the social integration of migrants through art. They shared their challenges and showcased their work through a film screening, documentary and art exhibitions, highlighting the transformative power of art, culture and creativity in changing the narrative.